Sunday, 10 June 2007

The first post

Wow, the first post... what to write?

I think this blog'll not be about me all that much. It kind of weirds me out to put a bunch of stuff out there for anyone's careful pouring over. If you'd like to get to know me well, maybe that's best (safest? more balanced?) done in person, in the course of normal life, happening to meet.

But I'd love to have a bunch of conversations with people. That'd be cool. And to hear a variety of people's thoughts on stuff. That seems much more interesting - or wise, at least - than me writing about me.

So here's a first question:

What one 'thing' of yours best represents you?

This is a fun one. I've heard one woman say, 'my passport'; another said 'my planner diary.' My mum reckons it's her recipe book, with recipes from varied friends and decades. Someone else said 'my e-mail sent items folder' while another said 'my bookshelf.'
I have plenty more possibilities if you want ideas, but sometimes it's more fun to come up with them yourself, so I'll leave the list at that for now. Feel free to ask though.